Be wary of “official government” calls, letters, texts, and emails. They may be a scam.
Be cautious with any communications purporting to be a government entity. Be especially wary if they identify a big problem that needs immediate resolution. The Social Security Administration and other agencies are warning citizens not to respond to these communications. Additional details on common Social Security scams are available at
Action Steps:
- Make sure you always go to the official site and talk to customer service to verify the alert. Do not open links or call phone numbers that are in the letter, text, or email.
- Do not send money if the alert is asking for card information or transferring funds. Government agencies will never call, email, text, or message you to ask for money or personal information.
See our CTR Cyber page for more cybersecurity internal controls and contact [email protected] with any incidents or suspected incidents of fraud or cyber threats or if you need support from our Statewide Risk Management Team.